Thursday, February 3, 2011

Lie Detector Invented in 1902


In 1902 The Lie Detector was invented by James Mackenzie, however the more modern version that could actually be used in police interrogation was invented in 1921 by James Larson, a student at the University of California. Even though it was invented in 1921, it was not fully used until 1924. This may not seem relevant to media, but it is. The lie detector has effected many people since it was first invented, punishing both the guilty, and possibly the not guilty. It may seem like something small but it has changed our world forever and our media also. I mean think about it, how many famous people have gotten in trouble and had to use lie detectors. After this, the news about this troublemaking celebrity is spread like wildfire. Not just on TV, radio, and newspaper, but on things such as Twitter, Facebook, blogs, and many other social networks. Now I could not find a video about the invention of the Lie Detector, however I did find the use of a Lie Detector in a TV episode of the Simpsons, proving that it has a large affect in the media. CHECK IT OUT!

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