Monday, May 2, 2011

Lebron James "The Decision"

As an athlete, there may come a time when you have to decide what team you are going to play for. However in most cases when choosing the team to play for, they don't get to decide on national television with millions of people watching. Now many people felt that Lebron James was wrong for making his decision broadcasted for millions, but there was a lot of good that came out of it. Even though Lebron did choose to go away from his hometown of Ohio, he did raise more than 2 million dollars for the boys
& girls clubs of Akron. Bringing 60,000 in to fix a leaky roof, refurbished a beaten down gymnasium, and paid for a new playground. Now this is just 60,000 of the 2 million. It is amazing to see that a simple choice can change the lives of so many people, and the change was able to be made because of TV and media overall.

Benefit of Lebron James "The Decision"

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